Ruth Beer


Trading Routes: The Intersection of Art Practices and Place
Relate North: Art, Heritage & Identity, 2014.
Beer R., Huijnen, P., & Grauer, K., (2013)
Catch & Release: Experiential Learning through Contemporary Art in a Heritage Museum Context
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp.27 – 36. Article: Print (Spiral Bound) 
Article: Electronic

Wanner, A and Beer, R., (2013) 
Found Data: Generating Natural Looking Shapes by Appropriating Scientific Data  (conference proceedings)
paper presented at the CoAx2103 Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X conference.
University of Bergano, Bergano, Italy June 26 – 28, 2013

Beer, R. and Grauer, K., (2013) 
New Pedagogical Approaches for Engaging Post Secondary Art School Youth in Learning to Create Community Engaged,
Collaborative, New Media artistic and Documentary Practices Focused on Environmental Advocacy
(conference proceedings) 
INSEA conference, Canterbury, UK. June 24 – 26.

Beer, R. and Grauer, K., (2012)
Catch & Release: Artworks Inspiring Insight into Environmental Issues
International Journal of Art and Design Education IJETA, 8(3)pp. 349 – 360,id=14211/

Bickel, B., Springgay, S., Beer, R., Irwin, R., Grauer, K. & Xiong, G., (2011)
A/r/tographic Collaboration as Radical Relationality
International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 10 (1), 86 – 102.
Research & Creation: Socially-engaged art in The City of Richgate Project
International Journal of Education Through Art, 6 (3), 213 – 227.

Triggs, V., Irwin, R., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Springgay, S., & Xiong, G. (2010) 
The City of Richgate: Decentred Public Pedagogy.
In J. Sandlin, B. Schultz & J. Burdick (Eds.). Handbook of Public Pedagogy (pp. 299 – 312). London, UK: Routledge.
Irwin, R., Bickel, B., Triggs, V., Springgay, S., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Xiong, G., & Sameshima, P. (2009) 
The City of Richgate: A/r/tographic Cartography as Public Pedagogy
International Journal of Art and Design Education, 28 (1), 61 – 70.
Sameshima, P., Irwin, R., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Gu, X., Bickel, B., & Ricketts, K. (2009) 
Rendered Embodied Heteroglossic Spaces
Journal of Arts and Communities, 1 (2), 129 – 146.
Triggs, V. & Irwin, R., with Beer, R., Grauer, K., Xiong, G., Springgay, S., & Bickel, B. (2008) 
Educational Arts Research as Aesthetic Politics
Working Papers in Art & Design, 5.
Beer, R. (2008) 
Science as Muse: Interpreting the natural world transformations
Malaspina Printmakers Society, 33 (1), 26 – 33.

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